Thursday, October 28, 2004
My only words of wisdom are this (radio edit). ;-)
Whine, whine WHINE. Everybody can stop complaining now. I writing a new POST. Jeez people, are you just starved for nerdery and sarcasm? Well I've got it in spades.
What's up with this unending storm of crap-ridden MTV politics? Politics suck like a hoover. Kerry sucks. Bush sucks. But this is overload. You can't avoid this if you try. Green Day has even picked sides and gotten all didactic on us. System of a Down has a video with Bush riding a bomb alongside "cohorts" Osama and Saddam. Give me a snappin' break. Do you know I was watching TV yesterday and I saw Snoop Dogg encouraging viewers to vote. Snoop Dogg. SNOOP. DOGG.
Last time I checked, Snoop was (admittedly) a really cool, really chill moron smokin' blunts and pimpin' hos. What in the name of all that is holy is he doing talking about voting? Snoop, smoke your weed if you must. Pimp your hos if you will. But you are not allowed to offer political advice. P. Diddy telling me to "Vote or Die"? I ought to kick him in his Puff Daddies.
In fact I'm getting tired of all this choose or lose, vote or die, blah blah blah bull that is all over television. Let me tell you something. You do not WANT all the MTV viewers to vote. The apathy of youth could very well be our nation's salvation. Do you really want those kids who have informed themselves by spending literally hours a day staring slack-jawed at the tv screen at Britney, Marylin, Ludacris, Good Charlotte and Ashton to get off the couch and vote? Do you really want them to influence the future course of our nation?
We need to stop letting Hollywood make our decisions for us. If let your vote be swayed by what Avril Lavigne says on stage just before breaking into "sk8er boi" rather than taking the time to make an informed decision yourself, you deserve a new piercing wherever I choose (or in the case of the overly-pierced, the removal of the piercing of my choosing, done by me, by the method of my choosing. I choose, you lose.) We don't need more voters. We need more informed voters. I think you should pass test of basic political knowledge before you are allowed to pull the lever. Scoff all you want, but I'd just as soon have Dick and Jane stay at home and keep picking there noses if they can't tell spell the candidates names right, tell me their party affiliation, and give me three issues on each platform. You should have to write one solid paragraph about why you are voting the way you are voting. That's all I ask. Take the time to form an opinion and write a paragraph. I swear if MTV turns my country into a bunch of whiney snivelly little wuss-mongers I am going to have to start kicking some serious crotch.
I think these voting commercials should only play on the news channels, so we at least have a chance of these viewers making informed decisions. Do you see the candidates advertising on MTV? No. They're not spending one red cent on it.
Draw your own conclusions.
If you can name five of the top ten videos on TRL, but cannot tell me what the big news was on Tuesday, please, for the good of our great nation, stay at home and shave your pets.