It tells me that goose-stepping morons such as yourself should try reading books instead of burning them.

Jones, fool.

Hang on kids, this is long and link-happy...
Recently the country has been all abuzz with talk about the American Nazi Party adopting a stretch of road in Oregon. The discussion manifested yesterday and Sunday in Cheryl's blog, with comments from Marissa and Jarrad and then myself, which led me to begin writing a post of my own. In preparation for this, I decided to visit the American Nazi Party Website. If you can stomach it, it would do you good to take a look at what complete morons these people are. The "scenario" on the first page is incredibly ludacris and it serves well to set the tone for the entire site. (Plus I refer to it constantly in the email below.)
An important thing to remember when dealing with people like this: Usually they are stupid, stupid, stupid and you have to decide how much emotional effort they are really worth. I don't know about you guys, but that sometime helps me deal with ugly people. Once I take a step back and think about who and what I am getting upset about, I realize that these magnificent examples of human mildew deserve Tilex, not my mental energy. When you realize people really are below you, you tend to care much less about what they think and do. Maybe it's just me, but I think the rest of America would do well to roll their eyes and dismiss the American Nazi Party like the Loud Drunk Guy Nobody Invited and Everybody Hates at the party.
Having said that, I did decide to waste a little time totally owning them. Below is the email I sent to Feel free to follow up and tell them how much they suck. It's really okay, since they do.
"This doesn’t make sense. Your front page doesn’t make sense.
"Publicly gang-raped?" You really think that in twenty years non-whites will completely run the country, and as a result, whites will be hung by the streetlights, publicly gang-raped, and their children will be kidnapped? Please tell me this is hyperbole.
You’re scenario implicitly suggests that all non-whites basic desire is to rape and kill whites, and that if they gain control they will do just that. You can’t seriously think that is idea with any sort of validity.
We as whites are the ones with the greatest history of violence in America specifically targeted at other races (the most prevalent examples being, ironically to your example, hangings and rape). We are the ones known for violence and oppression as wholesale racial policies. The fact that we have abandoned these policies must be seen by rational minds as nothing but a step forward in human rights.
Whatever the small negative effects of the end of slavery, the civil rights movement, and the racial integration of America as a whole in the interim (and from a completely ethno-centric white point of view I see your basis for complaint – after all I guess it must suck to look back and see that you missed your chance to sit in a seat of absolute and unmolested power and authority based on the pigment of your skin), you would be hard-pressed to make a convincing argument that these negative effects outweigh the positive.
I respect your right to say whatever you like under the First Amendment. We all must be free to speak our minds, and so I’d be against any effort to take your site down for that reason, or to prevent you from sponsoring your little stretch of Oregon road. But your ideas are ill-conceived and ill-willed.
You have modeled yourself after the Nazi Party. Even if you (somehow) disagree with the idea that whites in America are known for our history of violence against other races, you can’t argue against this reputation for the Nazis in Europe. They are known if for nothing else for the torture and death of millions upon millions of people. By taking their name, you attest to align with their ideals. You inherently agree that the wholesale forced internment, deportment, robbery, and murder of a people based on their genetic background is acceptable and even favorable.
If ethnicity and/or race are a sufficient basis for such policies, then I suppose the non-whites in your theoretical "2025" scenario have as strong a basis for their policies as anyone. They may be on the other side of the issue, but nonetheless the ideas you fear the most are your own turned against you.
The fact that you fear other races collectively oppressing whites shows that such wholesale policies are always wrong, and always harmful to someone. The best way to avoid the future you dread so would not be to eliminate other races from the equation, but to eliminate the equation entirely. The only way we can avoid such dire circumstances for all "sides", including the "white side" is to eliminate this kind of thinking entirely.
From your point of view, the best you can hope for with your type of thinking is for things to return to the way they were politically and racially 150 years or more ago.
If history has shown us anything, it’s that it repeats itself, and that people will not long stand for the type of inequality and subjugation. Soon this would breed more violent revolts of whatever group is oppressed.
In your hypothetical future scenario, those oppressed (whites) would "fight back! Alone or in small cells, and boys...but most of all women who stand the most to lose, since the decline of real men among the White Folk, strike night and with any weapon near at hand." Would this not be the least you would expect of others were the situation reversed and you stood alone in absolute racial authority?
Your morals are abhorrent, but obviously you could care less what I think of that. I’ll grant you your perceived moral righteousness, and let’s leave moral right and wrong out of the picture.
Even still your ideas and your ideals are illogical, self-contradictory, and, proven by every example in recorded history, doomed to failure.
P.S. I’d love a rational, non-ranting response to my argument."
Another note: In the news story about the adopt-a-highway sign it says that the signs costs taxpayers about $500. However, I thought it was a nice touch that the story also mentioned that "If the signs are destroyed, the sponsoring organization must pay for replacements." I thought this was an interesting tidbit the author chose to add. Could it be a hint? Seems to me most any teenager with a power windows and a bowling ball could take care of the problem late one friday night, if they were so inclined. If they decide to replace the sign, well I doubt I'd lose any sleep over knowing I'd deprived the American Nazi Party of $500.
I love your letter. After I recovered from visiting the webiste that is. My only concern is that they might not understand some of those big words, and that as you yourself pointed out they are not logical thinkers so as to get your very logical argument. But please keep us posted as to any response you receive.
That said, I propose a trip to Oregon! Anyone up for it?
I really want to bash a Nazi highway Very well written letter although I'm sure that there is absolutly no way that it will make it anywhere close to comprehension in their minds. I'd also be sure to disguise my IP address if I were you. Dems carzy folks...
Holy shite. David, did you delete my post? I was the first one to add a comment! Was my response not funny enough? Was it because I too love using that Indiana Jones quote? Was it because I admitted to not having actually read your post?
I don't want to point out the irony in which my response to a post about Nazis gets deleted and censored by the author.
Chris, I never saw a comment from you on here. I certainly didn't delete it. Are you sure it posted properly? The first comment I saw was Cheryl's. Sometimes if you navigate away from the page too soon after you post a comment, it doesn't make it all the way up there. Besides, I have no idea how to delete someone's individual comment. Please feel free to re-post that bad boy.
Wow, that e-mail required way too much effort than the American Nazi Party deserves, but well-put nonetheless.
While I completely understand your intent and agree with you on all issues, I feel the need to say that you are trying to REASON with the NAZI PARTY. The two don't really go hand in hand.
And just to be on the safe side, anyone who's visited that site needs to purge their internet history. Visits to sites such as those raise flags and bring unwanted (and often undeserved) attention on your IP address.
Nazis. I hate these guys.
It's no problem David. I didn't really think you deleted my post, just that perhaps some nazi computer hacker managed to get into the system and... well Hell. Those guys just suck all around.
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