Yesterday the Greeks underestimated us. We should not return the favor.
I'm going to do a little blog topic house cleaning. There are tons of random things I've wanted to write about at various times but I either didn't get around to them or I didn't think they were significant enough to make a full post out of. Well now I'm just going to pop up a little post whenever I remember one of those things so I can get it out of my head and make you all that much smarter. Aren't I nice?
So, who saw the movie Troy? The guy that played Hector is Eric Bana. He also played Bruce Banner in the unfortunate Hulk movie.
Now, who has read Chris Baker's (Cbake)blog? I have it linked over on the left of this page. Or, you know, click here. Cbake is a buddy of mine from UNC.
In my opinion, Cbake and Eric Bana bear a remarkable resemblance. Every time I see a commercial for the Troy DVD and it shows Hector, I think "CBAKE!!" I've pointed this out on several occasions to my friends, and I'm always met with at best, a "Huh. Yeah I guess he sort of does." Most of the time with just a blank stare.
Well if you know me, you know that I'm not one to concede points that I think I'm right about. This is a bad habit, but sometimes I feel so much in the right that if someone doesn't agree with me then they obviously just don't understand what I'm saying. They must not be hearing me right, or they would clearly see my point and we could hug and eat raisin bran and watch cartoons. This is a bad habit, I know. Not because I'm wrong, but because I suppose it's rude.
Nevertheless, in that tradition, I have created the visual aid below. I went to Cbake's blog and nabbed the pictures he had, and then went to Google images and grabbed the first three or four Eric Bana pics that caught my eye. I chopped out the backgrounds to make the resemblance more clear (and so it would sort of go with my template :D)
Please enjoy:

Chris Baker looks abso-freaking-lutely just like Eric Bana.

I now consider the argument closed, as everyone can see that I am right. Being right about yet another thing will help me sleep that much better at night. After having read this, if you still disagree with me, I have no choice but to question your intelligence.
As a side note, I realize that this may raise some questions as whether I am gay for Cbake, gay for Eric Bana, gay for both of them or just a loser with nothing better to do than pointless stuff like this.
The answer is, that's none of your business.
By the way, this is definately the most massive shout out anyone has ever gotten on my blog, so I think Chris owes me a steak dinner.
Bye, kids!!
so which ones are chirs baker and which ones are eric bana?
Key to the pyramid:
Top Row: Cbake, Bana
Middle Row: Bana, Cbake, Bana
Bottom Row: Cbake, Bana, Cbake, Bana
I just switched the word balloons because I am so, so funny.
Amazing. Your perceptive skills are impressive, and you managed to confuse even me as to who was Bana and who was Baker.
Best Blog Ever? My sources point to... YES!
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