A Blindfolded Chimp With a Pencil in His Teeth
I have nothing to declare except my genuis.
About Me
- Name: Bosephus Jamiroquai
- Location: Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
I'm a high-brow intellectual who knows more than you concerning everything I talk about. Especially while I am talking.
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Greatest Hits
Jack Knife the Gravel Truck: Gravel Trucks Suck School of Driving Use your turn signal, please. Black Eyed Kids I didn't write this. Halo Sucks. Ngok Rocks. School of Driving Pt. II Please don't ride so close to my bumper. Cbake and Bana They look alike. My Funny Bowels Crazy 'ol Bowels. Nazis I hate these guys. Ambulances They're easy to recognize. Surviving Horror Movies Follow these rules...or you will die. Heads Up! (In flame.)To Further Your Procrastination:
readelicious?: Want a chance to hit me where it hurts? Take a look and give an honest opinion. The Ferris Wheel of Shame: Stephen combines self-loathing with other-people-loathing and still manages to be funny… Most of the time. WilmingSloan: The third cousin in the Blog Bloodline, Nathan completes the Triumvirate with wit to spare and, thankfully, a healthily askew perspective to the college lifestyle. Women want him and men want toI used to think this guy was really funny. I'm beginning to think that he's just a prick. Either way you can kill time if you like. Not for Kiddies. Dictonary.com
Don't laugh. A lot of you need it. Plus you'd be surprised how much time you can kill. Snopes.com
True or False? Any urban legend or rumor of any kind that you've ever heard is addressed here. More to come...

Thursday, October 28, 2004
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