PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> A Blindfolded Chimp With a Pencil in His Teeth

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

- 28 days... 6 hours... 42 minutes... 12 seconds... that is when the world will end.
- What?

It has been 4 months, 27 days since my last post.

I'm sure you all already knew that though, thanks to mournfully annotated calendar surrounded by the lighted candles and laserjet-printed pictures of me you no doubt have near your computer... hoping -- nay, dreaming -- that I may some day return to you, my ever-longing readership.

Your faith has pleased me, and I have deigned to return.

Fortunately, I prepared you all for my extended blogging hiatus by making my posts fewer, farther between, and increasingly lacking in quality or thought. You may have taken this as a sort of downward spiral in my blogging career. I am here to tell you it was not so. I was merely looking to wean you from my proverbial intellectual teat. No one can quit me cold turkey. No one.

I return to the blogospere on this, a dreary and rainsoaked Wednesday. A hump day indeed. Stephen mentioned that I was working from home today but sadly this is not so. I was merely delaying my departure until the torrents of rain outside my window began to fall to earth in a direction more vertical than horizontal. I'd like to take a few minutes to tell you about my day since that point.

Upon my somewhat tardy arrival to work the power in my office went out, shutting down my computer and keeping me from getting anything done. Then it came back on again.

As I booted my computer and began to dive into the pile of work for the day, the power again faltered... then failed. A few minutes later, back on it came.

Again I booted the computer and began my steadfast workday duties. And again the power failed.

But not for long!! Soon, my sad little cubicle was once more illuminated with the soul-sucking force of flourescent light. This time the power stayed on for nearly fifteen minutes before, alas, it went out again and once my my progress halted.

This time the power was out for over an hour but then finally it was restored and, it now being nearly noon, I was able to actually start some work. For the fourth time I booted up and attempted to begin my day. I worked heartily for an hour and half. Much was accomplished. The power went out again.

I went to get some food. When i got back, still no power. At around two or so the power returned, seemingly for good. I logged on and checked the news on the local news station's website. More good news... Raleigh is flooded.

Anywhere near water, or a hill, or a ditch is underwater. Good thing I live on Glenwood. Near the mall. What's that mall called again? Oh yeah -- "Crabtree Valley Mall." That's because it is in the valley created by Crabtree creek.

Thanks to the marvels of modern technology I was able to view, through a webcam, the very route I wil need to take to get home. It should not be a problem, so long as I remembered to gas up my submarine after I took it out last time.

Have you ever have one of those days when you wake up and look out the window and you think, "No. I refuse." I felt like that this morning. I just wanted to roll over and refuse. Instead I dragged my lazy carcass from the warm embryonic cocoon of my soft, safe bedsheets, shuffled into some clothes and drove the six miles to work in two inches of standing water only to find an office with power issues that made the whole journey hardly worth while.

Shoulda listened to my gut on this one.

Well, love to everyone and all that. Let's hope I can be a bit more consistent with my online presence and a bit more capable in my writing in the coming months. Thanks for even checking to see if I am still alive. I am, and I am well.

Forever yours,



Blogger TheSloan said...

It was a nice bit of raining that happened yesterday. To celebrate a friend of mine here at camp got a kayak and a fishing rod and headed out to the newly created "lake" next to the cafeteria. I grabbed my camera and shot a short video of him fishing and eventually pulling another staffer flopping from the water. Now THAT'S how you spend a rainy day.

Thu Jun 15, 10:42:00 AM  
Blogger LT said...

All right fine. Here you go.

"I heartily endorse this event or product."

StephenCo Enterprises, Inc.

Thu Jun 15, 11:34:00 AM  
Blogger Antonio said...

The weather sucked yesterday. Imagine having to brave the elements to sit in traffic and be fifteen minutes late for a hard-as-heck test in graduate class. Welcome to my world. lol.

Enough about me, welcome back! How about another story from the list you offered before?

Thu Jun 15, 12:08:00 PM  

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