PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> A Blindfolded Chimp With a Pencil in His Teeth

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

All I'm saying is that one of us might need a nap.

I dropped the post from yesterday about being straight edge because i was getting hostile comments and especially emails about it. Some of you might not have even seen it. I was working on a much longer, much more detailed explanation for what I meant when the server here at my office shut down and I lost all my work. When I get the chance to recreate that, expect an extremely long read concerning elitism and acceptance.

I wil get back to that later, but for now let me say this:
I didn't know all the background of the term "straight edge" and the unfortunate associations many people have with it. I've had the phrase tossed casually in my direction in the past, especially in high school, and thus inferred the meaning of the phrase itself.

I did not know that it necessarily referred to a societal subculture with a group identity. I've read alot about this phenomenon in the last 24 hours and have learned alot about its origins and its current incarnations. As with any group, most often those that are most vocal are those who least represent the spirit of the group as a whole. A minority of the group live as moral elitists who aggresively condemn those that do not subscribe to their views. However, a vast majority simply see it as a way to live a more pure lifestyle, whether for religious or personal reasons.

That is all beside the point anyway. I personally did not mean I was planning to identify myself with any group in any outward way. Apparently my ignorance of the implications of the phrase caused me to mislead some of you. I simply meant that for my own reasons I would like to make changes in my life that aligned with what I understood the term "straight edge" to mean. This would affect me and only me, and I don't think anyone else has the right to judge or especially to condemn a personal choice.

Let me ask you this:
Was there any part of my post yesterday that even came within the realm of suggesting that I thought that anyone who read it should do the same as me?

Bottom line: I like to write and this is a forum for me to do so. Period. I said "email me if you'd like to discuss," because discussions breed understanding. I welcome them. Especially from those of you who disagree. If we have a discussion at least one of us will learn something. Those of you who instead opted to write me snotty little rants full of spelling errors calling me an elitist(?!?!) can choke.

Did it occur to you that you're the one judging and disapproving? And based on what? A two sentence blog entry? At least I read your email and I know your full point of view before I say the following...

You suck. You don't even know me, and close-minded, quick-judging pea-brained blobs of toe jam like you don't deserve to absorb my brilliance anyway. Grease up your keyboard and stick it where the sun don't shine, you unbelievably massive TOOL. Please DO NOT breed, ever.

I know there are those of you who could've cared less what "straight edge" means. Well, maybe I've sparked some interest and perhaps even debate among you. Or at least now you've got something to Google now when you're bored at work.

Then there are several of you who emailed me simply asking "what does that mean?" Thank you very much. I hope that this post along with the one I hope to finish in the future will tell you a little more about what I have going on in my head these days.

You should all take a look at the "straight edge" phenomenon if you get the chance. Even if you don't agree with it in the slightest, it's still pretty interesting to read about.

I guess I should end this by saying "Okay. Maybe I'm not 'Straight Edge.' My bad."

But I am gonna try Straight and Narrow.



Blogger Cheryl said...

Wow. I really feel like I missed out on something with all of this. But thanks for giving me something to Google.

Tue Feb 22, 03:25:00 PM  
Blogger Bosephus Jamiroquai said...

CBake I'm taking your off each time for specific content-related reasons. I've emailed you twice about it. JUST CHECK YOUR EMAIL AND STOP PUTTING THE SAME COMMENT UP.

Much love and a little frustration - David

Tue Feb 22, 05:50:00 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

Deleted my own comment cause it didn't make sense.

Wed Feb 23, 12:33:00 AM  
Blogger TheSloan said...

So...what your saying were wrong. That's interesting to read just after reading your most current post. ;-)
Juuust kidding.
I'm confused...

Thu Feb 24, 04:18:00 PM  

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