PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> A Blindfolded Chimp With a Pencil in His Teeth

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I've been downstairs lifting weights and doing coke all morning...

This will be a blog of rebuttals.

First, to "anonymous":
1. It's Joey Joe Joe Junior Shabadoo, buttclown.
2. I think your comments about my girlfriend's appearance may have been misdirected anger. I know the only girl you can get is taped to the ceiling above your bed, but why so angry?

Who you trying to get crazy with ese? Don't you know I'm loco?

3. Maybe if you stopped with the mind-altering substances you would stop seeing "bubbles" and "light bulbs with tiny black scribbles all over." This may also be something you could trace your woman problems back to.

And, as predicted, to my beloved corsin, Stephen:

1. It's remarkable to me that it's always the harshest critics of film that are the most lenient towards television programming and the writing and acting therein. A young man might, for instance, lambast a summer movie such as, for example, the admittedly dumb SFX spectacular The Day After Tomorrow which was a summer-no-brain-required feast for the eyes and nothing more. (There were tornados going through downtown Los Angeles, for pete's sake and that's cool I don't care who you are.) They might call this movie "badly acted," "patronizing" or "unvelievable" and in the same breath sing the praises of Buffy, Smallville, or even (shudder) Angel each of which could easily encompass entire units in any or all of the following textbooks:

How to Make a Show with No Basis in Reality

How to Patronize and Alienate New Viewers with
Convoluted, Hard to Follow Storylines
How to Hire Bad Actors/Write Asinine Dialogue that
Would Make DeNiro Sound Like a Hack
These shows are like comic books. If you are into them, you are into them. You already know the back story, the characters, the current plotlines, etc. so the outlandish subject matter and the over-the-top dialogue doesn't bother you anymore. You take melodrama with a grain of salt and accept certain occurrances as part of the basic premise of the story. That is fine. In doing so, you make it possible to endure and even enjoy the stories that unfold before you concerning heart-snatching demons and sexually charged sorority houses.
I simply find it ironic that fans of these shows can sit in a movie theater and groan at melodrama, bad acting or unbelievable plotlines. How can you watch The Day After Tomorrow and say "Jeez this is just stupid. The climate could never change that rapidly... unless a weather demon somehow passed through the Hellmouth in Sunnydale and altered Earth's weather patterns before Giles could find the proper incantation/mystic weapon in his trusty leatherbound tome."
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
2. Smarm - n : excessive but superficial compliments given with affected charm
Perhaps you meant snide? Snide I am, and snide this post is.


Blogger LT said...

"Jeez this is just stupid. The climate could never change that rapidly... unless a weather demon somehow passed through the Hellmouth in Sunnydale and altered Earth's weather patterns before Giles could find the proper incantation/mystic weapon in his trusty leatherbound tome."

Perfectly legitimate reasoning, as far as I'm concerned. ;-) I chalk it up to me being extraordinarily high-brow or low-brow. I'm not sure which it is yet.

But they don't call 'em "trusty" leatherbound tomes for nothing.

Tue Nov 16, 10:13:00 PM  
Blogger Bosephus Jamiroquai said...

Yaaay Josh!! Thanks for the comment. Keep it up, fool.

Tue Nov 16, 11:00:00 PM  

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